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Be prepared ​to shine.

We prides ourselves in helping people put their ​best foot forward in any communication situation.


Roxanne Deevey and Marie-France Gaumont are experienced communications ​practitioners. Over the last 25 years, they’ve worked as journalists, directors of ​communications & marketing, as trainers, advisors and consultants.

Marie-France Gaumont

“I love…innovating to stimulate learning. Shaking things up ​in order to develop thought processes. Breathing energy ​into skills development. Using a personalized approach to ​make training more dynamic. This is my way of helping to ​build your confidence and your reserves of ​communications know-how.”

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Roxanne Deevey

“I love helping people discover and develop their potential as ​communicators by inviting them to see bigger, especially ​by developing the strategic thinking behind their aspirations. I​t's my way of contributing to the advancement of an organiza​tional culture or community that wants to achieve its objecti​ves in order to move to the next l​evel."


Shine as a ​media ​spokesperson

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Woman in politics

We offer training so that your ​organization's ​representatives can become ​spokespersons ready to ​convey key messages while ​answering journalists' ​questions. In difficult ​situations, our approach will ​set the record straight, ​protect your organization's ​reputation and reassure your ​target audiences. ​Participants will learn to ​communicate more ​confidently, thus ​strengthening your media ​relations - be they traditional ​or social.


Communication ​and crisis ​management

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A Man in Black Suit Having an Interview

While managing crises and ​change can be painful, it's ​also a learning opportunity to ​safeguard your ​organization’s reputation ​while improving processes to ​prepare for the next crisis. ​This workshop reviews the ​main components of a crisis ​management strategy and ​the changes they can ​facilitate. We will cover key ​messaging and other ​communications tools to ​manage expectations, ​reassure stakeholders and ​prepare for a return to ​normalcy.


The ​communications ​strategy: an ​essential tool for ​achieving your ​objectives

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Young creative team working and communicating on a meeting.

Every successful campaign ​or initiative starts with a ​good strategy. Many ​organizations know that they ​need a certain number of ​communications tools to ​move a major project ​forward or tackle an issue. ​However, before beginning ​the production of any tactic, ​it's important to be clear ​about your objectives, your ​audiences, what you want to ​say and what success looks ​like. This hands-on workshop ​will take you through the ​main elements of a ​communications strategy to ​bring your projects to ​fruition.


The message ​map: a tool for ​raising ​awareness and ​building ​credibility

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Businesswoman moving a post-it

The message map was ​developed by American ​Vincent Covello as a memory ​aid when speaking-out in ​emergency or high-stress ​situations. In the ​communications world, we ​quickly realized the ​effectiveness of this tool in ​any situation where there is ​reputational risk (e.g. ​dismissals, budget cuts, ​layoffs, scandals). This ​workshop presents the ​message map in detail, ​enabling participants to take ​ownership of it and use it ​with confidence.


The elevator ​pitch or ​strategic ​interview: ​communicating ​to influence

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Businesspeople talking in elevator

Whether it's political lobbying ​or a request for funding, ​leaders need to be able to ​explain their organization's ​particular context to people ​who don't necessarily have ​an understanding of their ​reality. What's more, the time ​available to them is often ​limited. That's why it's ​essential to be able to ​identify your organization ​and its priorities succinctly ​and effectively. The practical ​elevator pitch training course ​meets this need, enabling ​you to position your ​organization in any situation ​and communicate effectively.


Tailored to your ​needs

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Skill development training for women

Our communications ​expertise and extensive ​experience make us flexible ​and creative. So don't ​hesitate to send us your ​specific requests for training ​designed to truly meet your ​needs. Whether it is to ​effectively lead groups, plan ​productive meetings, ​mobilize your work teams, ​prepare yourself for difficult ​conversations, define your ​employer brand, or any other ​communications-related ​business need, we are your ​best allies in developing the ​skills that will make you ​shine.

Their confidence is our greatest ​asset

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We look ​forward to ​working ​with you!

(613) 619-1626

(819) 210-8513

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“We cannot teach people anything. You ​can only help them discover that they ​already possess within themselves ​everything they need to learn. “ ​GALILEO